My stack
A list of my favourite gear, and software
- 1Password – To securely generate and manage passwords.
- Alfred - Excellent alternative to macOS's Spotlight, plus a ton of extra features.
- Cloudfare DNS - Great for private browsing (don't use your ISP's DNS) and also malware protection.
- Windscribe VPN - Always use a VPN when connected to non trusted networks (e.g. Public WiFi).
- Darkoom – Photo and video editor for iOS.
- Halide – The best camera app you can get for iOS.
- Figma – To design and collaborate with others directly in the browser.
- VS Code – To write and develop this website.
- Brave – Great chromium-based alternative to Chrome. It's also a faster too.
- iTerm 2 – Alternative Terminal with great added features for macOS.
- Fantastical – The best alternative to Apple's iCal I've used so far.
- Telegram – Great alternative to WhatsApp and great IM service overall.
- Notion – Note taking app, but also extremely flexible and great for collaboration.
- Lightroom Classic – My photo editing app of choice for macOS.
- Headspace – The mindfulness/meditation app I've like the most from all the ones out there.
- App in the air – All your trips and boarding passes in one place. Great for flight status and updates.
- Authy – Very good app for 2FA and TOPT, I've used to use Google Authenticator but switched.
- YubiKey 5C NFC – Small physical key that's used as 2FA.
- Synology NAS – Great for storage, backups and home media server.